
This task is about understanding the language used in a poem.
Read the poem Sea-dog by Ruth Paul (School Journal, Part 4, Number 3, 1995). Then answer the questions below.

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a)  What does the dog like most about the beach?

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b)  What is meant by, "that damp sandy border where elements meet"?

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c)  What is another phrase in the poem that has a similar meaning to "where elements meet"?

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d)  The poem describes some dogs, "swimming off to the other side of the sun".
     What does this phrase mean?

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e)  The poem says, "This hound's beach-bound".  What does "beach-bound" mean?

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f)  Write another phrase from the poem which shows the dog is "beach-bound".

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g)  "Swimming off to the other side of the sun" is an example of alliteration.
     Write another phrase from the poem which has an example of alliteration.