Applying for a job II

This task is about editing a job application.
The writing below is an application for a part time job.
There is editing to be done at the underlined points signalled A to F.
Use the chart that follows the application for your answers.

Dear Ms Tuputala

Re:  Part-time job

I wish to apply for the part time job advertised on the local community noticeboard.

I think it sounds like an interesting job. (A) I've had (B) xperience in a similar position with (C) Johns Bakery but I left because the hours (D) sucked big time.

My C.V. is attached.

I look forward to your reply.

(E) Catch you later

Chris (F) 'the man' Marston


Type of Error Example (Letter only) Write a correction for the error
Inappropriate close    