The TranzAlpine train journey

This task is about understanding language features and making inferences about an advertisement.
tranzalpine poster
Look carefully at the advertisement and answer the following questions.


a)  A "fierce snow-fed river" would be best described as
    • rushing and foamy.

    • ice covered.

    • very rapid and cold.

    • far below the train.

Question 2Change answer

b)  What word from the text sounds like "the song of many steel wheels"?

Question 2Change answer

c)  Give another example from the advertisement of a word that sounds like the noise it names.


d)  The text has been written so that travellers will feel that the TranzAlpine is
    • noisy.

    • scary.

    • rushed.

    • exciting.


e)  "A wandering path. Wild life. Whoosh." The use of 'W' is an example of:
    • alliteration.

    • simile.

    • onomatopoeia.

    • rhyme.