The Dinosaur climber's kit

This task is about reading to find information and make inferences.

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a)  What do you need to stop holes being cut into your feet?   

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b)  How long could it take to climb a dinosaur?  

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c)  What do the words "stuff to munch" mean?  

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d)  What two things will happen if you look down?
     1.    2.    

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e)  From where is the best view?  

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f)  What do the words ". . . if you run into strife . . ." mean?  

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g)  What will save you if you have to jump?  


h)   Select two words from below which are not part of the 'Dinosaur Climber's Kit'. 
    • boots

    • drink

    • parachute

    • jacket

    • pack

    • stick

    • binoculars

    • toffee

Question 2Change answer

i)  Look at the last word of each line in the poem and describe the pattern.