How to make Hokey Pokey

This task is about describing the features of written instructions.

Question 1Change answer

Your teacher will provide you with a copy of a recipe for Hokey-Pokey.
Study the recipe for making Hokey-pokey then answer the following questions.
a) What two main parts is the recipe divided into?

Question 1Change answer

b) Describe two ways the steps in making Hokey-pokey have been made clear.
    1.       2. 

Question 1Change answer

c)  This recipe has a warning. What are two ways this warning has been made to stand out?
      1.       2. 

Question 1Change answer

d)  A good set of instructions like these can give you ideas for your writing. 

     What are four things you can do to make a set of written instructions easy to read?
     1.        2. 
     3.       4. 


Question 1Change answer

e)  Verbs are action words. The instructions use verbs like 'stir'. Find three other verbs.
     1.      2.      3. 

Question 1Change answer

f)  Nouns are naming words. From the Method section, find six different nouns and write them in the spaces below.
     The first one is done for you. 
i) Tray                        ii)      iii)      iv) 
v)    vi)     vii)