Camera shots

This task is about describing types of camera shots and the effects they have.
Look at the four different types of camera shots. Select one of the terms from the box to describe each shot shown in pictures A - D. One term will not be needed.
A list of camera shot names: mid-shot, close-up, long-shot, establishing-shot, two-shot.

Pictures A to D.



A   ____________________
B   ____________________

C  ____________________
D  ____________________
Write two reasons film makers use different camera shots when they shoot scenes.
c) Complete the two sentences on the effects of camera angle.

Illustrations of high angle and low angle camera shots.

A high angle shot makes the figures seem __________________________________.
A low angle shot makes the figures seem  __________________________________.

Illustration showing a zoomed in camera shot

What is the effect shown in this sequence of shots called? ________________________.