Jump rope

This task is about understanding the words and images used on a poster,
Jump Rope for Heart poster
Read the words and look at the picture, then answer the following questions.
a) Write down four ways the heart has been made to look human.








b) How does the picture show that skipping is fun?
c) How does this picture show that the main part of your body to benefit from skipping is the heart?

          Image of a cartoon heart
d) What do the black lines near the hands and feet of the skipper show?

          Image of cartoon sweat droplets
e) What do these shapes near the top of the heart show?
f) How do the words, "Keep the Beat", go with the picture of the heart?
g) How do the words, "Keep the Beat", go with the picture of the skipping rope?
h) The words, "Jump Rope for Heart", stand out because they are big. What is another reason they stand out?