Camera shots II

This task is about looking at camera angles and the effects these create.
Use the frames below to answer the questions.

Establishing wide-shot showing a house and a landscape
Low-angle shot showing a fisherman
Medium-shot showing a fisherman
Close-up shot showing a fish




 a) Frame A is an example of an establishing shot. What information does Frame A give us?

wide-shot     two-shot     medium-shot     
close-up     low-angle shot     ​reverse-angle shot
Use the terms in the box above to name the type of shot used in each frame.
Frame A ____________________
Frame C ____________________
ii)    Frame B ____________________
iv)   Frame D ____________________
How does the type of shot used in B affect our impression of the fisherman?
d) What sound effects could be used with Frame B?

e) Write one or two words of dialogue to go with Frame C.

f) What is the term used to describe a series of frames or camera shots which have been planned on paper before filming begins?