The phantom knocker

This task is about understanding the visual language features used in a cartoon strip.
Look at the comic strip on pages 2-3 of School Journal, Part 4, No. 1, 1997, and answer the questions.
  1. Look closely at Frame A.
    List two techniques used here which are often found in comic strips.​
  1. What effect is achieved by the unusual angle the people are viewed from in Frame B?

    1. In Frame C, what is the boy's reaction to the man?

    2. How is his reaction shown in Frame C?

  1. In Frame D, both characters are making gestures with their hands. What do these gestures mean?
Boy: ______________________________          Man: ______________________________
  1. In Frame E, give two techniques that are used to show that the words in the "speech bubble" are thoughts and not words spoken aloud.