Debating techniques

This task is about debating techniques.

Here are some statements taken from a debate. The topic of the debate is 

"Bullying needs to be dealt to." 

Read each of the sentences 1 - 9 and answer the questions that follow.

  1. "A bully is someone who intimidates smaller or weaker people."
  2. "Why does the bully emerge? How do they get away with it? I will tell you why."
  3. "I know every one of you is sick of bullying ."
  4. "The negative team's pathetic arguments are like their hair-cuts: scraggly and thin."
  5. "Solid points have been made by us; their arguments are soft. Our case is sharp; theirs is dull."
  6. "It's important for you to act now!"
  7. "A) it is wrong, B) not ethical, and C) it demeans us all."
  8. "Their case looks like a castle built of rock and stone, but we will show it's a sandcastle that will be washed away in the tide of our arguments."
  9. "Telling us of their experience of bullying is just personal opinion. They could have made it up."

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a) What is the speaker doing in sentence 1?

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b) What questioning technique does the speaker use in sentence 2?

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c) How does the speaker build rapport with the audience in sentence 3?

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d) Sentence 4 breaks a debating rule. What rule has been broken?

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e) What speaking technique has been used in sentence 5?

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f) What speaking technique has been used in sentence 6?

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g) What are two effects of using listing as a technique as in sentence 7?

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h) What figure of speech is used in sentence 8?

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i) What debating technique is used in sentence 9?