Read a poem

This task is about reading a poem to a small group.

You will read a poem to a small group. Your teacher will tell you where to choose your poem from. 

You will need to:

  • practise reading the poem so that your reading is interesting to your audience. If you choose to, you can memorise the poem.
  • tell your audience why you have chosen this poem (e.g., why you like it or how it makes you feel).

You can use the checklist below to help prepare your poetry reading.

Have you:



  • chosen your poem?

  • decided why you have chosen this poem?  



  • thought about why you like the poem or how it makes you feel?



  • read your poem several times or memorised it?



  • practised looking at the audience while you recite or read your poem?



  • practised reading your poem with expression in your voice?



  • practised speaking in a clear voice?

Your teacher will assess you on the following criteria. 
Use this self-assessment chart to help you prepare for your presentation.

Delivery (

Almost never



Almost always

I speak loud enough for others to hear.





I speak clearly.





I speak with expression.





I speak at a pace that others can follow.





I make eye contact with the audience.





I stand in a relaxed and confident way.





I use gestures to help make my presentation more interesting.





I establish a rapport with the audience.