Show and Tell II

This task is about speaking to a small group.
Your task is to give a 'show and tell' speech to a group of 4-5 students. You will need to bring something special from home to talk about, for example:
  • your card collection
  • the sports equipment you play with
  • something you found on the beach
  • a taonga or measina (check with someone at home first).

Your audience may ask you questions at the end of your speech. You will need to think about what the questions might be and how you will answer. Your speech will need to include:

  • an introduction that explains what you are showing
  • 1-2 sentences about why it is special to you
  • 2-3 sentences about the special thing
  • a concluding sentence.
boy sharing at show and tell
You can use the checklist below to help prepare your 'show and tell' speech.

Have you:



  • decided what you are going to bring from home to show and tell about?

  • planned your speech?

  • written the main points on cue cards?   



  • practised saying your speech with a clear voice and without looking at your cue cards too often?



  • thought about questions the audience might ask you?