Personal experience speech II

This task is about giving a speech about something you have experienced.
Give a prepared speech to a group of 4-5 students about something you have experienced.

Your speech could be about any of the following:

  • a place you have visited
  • something that has happened to you
  • someone who has visited your home
  • something else that you and your teacher decide on.

Your audience will ask you questions at the end of your speech. Think about what sort of questions they might ask.

illustration: girl sharing

Your speech will need to include:

  • an opening sentence to tell the audience what the personal experience is;
  • why you have chosen to tell about this experience;
  • a description of the experience;
  • how this experience made you feel;
  • an ending sentence.

You can use the checklist below to help prepare your speech.

Have you:



  • planned what you are going to talk about in your speech?

  • written the main points onto cue cards to help you remember?  



  • practised speaking with a clear voice?



  • thought about what questions the audience may ask you?