The Foolish Man

This task is about listening to recall information and make inferences.
Your teacher will read you a text. You will listen to some questions that go with it. Listen and follow your teacher's instructions.


a) Where was the foolish man going to?
    • His home.

    • Town.

    • The river.

    • Another village.


b) Where was the elephant driver going to?
    • One of the villages.

    • The river.

    • Town.

    • The path along the river bank.


c) The elephant went on because
    • the fool frightened it away.

    • it wanted to drink at the river.

    • the driver dropped his hook.

    • it did not want the foolish man to ride on its back.


d) The foolish man let go of the branch because he
    • saw the elephant going away.

    • wanted to sing too.

    • was tired of holding on.

    • tried to clap his hands.


e) Near the end of the story, what mistake did the elephant driver make?
    • He did exactly as he was asked.

    • He trusted the fool.

    • He let go of the foolish man's feet.

    • He expected his elephant would get them down.


f) What happened to the fool and the driver in the end?
    • They sang sweetly together.

    • They dropped into the river.

    • They were left dangling from the tree branch.

    • The elephant came back for them both.