Cross country race

This task is about reading information from raw data.

These numbers show how many minutes it took each student to run the school cross-country.

53   50   52   38   30

37   36   55   35   40

41   52   36   37   49

50   57   37   59   36


Of the students that ran the cross-country, what was


i)  the fastest time? __________ minutes
ii)  the slowest time? __________ minutes
iii) the average time? __________ minutes



All             Most              Some           None


Choose one word from the box above to complete each sentence about the cross-country.

i)   ________________ of the students took more than an hour to run the race.


ii)  ________________ of the students took between 35 and 55 minutes to run the race.


iii) ________________ of the students took less than 40 minutes to run the race.