Cleaning the beach II

This task is about reading information from a pie graph.
Children from Cockle Bay School spent an afternoon cleaning up their local beach. The pie graph shows the types of rubbish they collected.
Cockle bay beach rubbish collection
pie graph of rubbish picked up at Cockle bay


a)  Which two types of rubbish made up half of the rubbish collected? Select two
    • Metal

    • Glass

    • Paper

    • Plastic

    • Wood

    • Other


b)  Three times more plastic rubbish was collected than which other type? Select one
    • Metal

    • Glass

    • Paper

    • Plastic

    • Wood

    • Other


c)  Which two types of rubbish were collected in nearly the same amounts? Select two
    • Metal

    • Glass

    • Paper

    • Plastic

    • Wood

    • Other