Right or left

For this task you will be recording the total number of females and males who are left-handed or right-handed for writing in your class or group, then you are to make a statement about your findings.
In the box below construct a 2 × 2 array (table) on which to organise this information.
Label any rows or columns you use. Set up total columns for females and males, and for left- and right-handedness.













b) On a slip of paper write whether you are:

  • male or female; and
  • left or right-handed for writing.
Place it on your desk so others may read it easily. Go around your class/group and read the slips on each person's desk. 
Tally this information in to your array, including your own slip, and complete your table.
From your array make one statement comparing the left and right-handedness of females and males in your class/group.