School surveys

This task is about identifying whether a survey sample is biased and explaining why.
When a survey is done, the sample chosen must fairly represent the whole group.
Complete the statements to explain why each of the following samples do not fairly represent the whole group.

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a)  To find out what parents who drive their children to school thought of the new school car park,
     the principal interviewed every 3rd person driving into the car park on Monday morning. 
     This sample does not fairly represent the whole group because ...

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b)  To find out what students thought of their new classroom computers,
     a teacher interviewed every 5th person who used the library at lunchtime. 
     This sample does not fairly represent the whole group because...

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c)  To find out which TV programme is the most popular among students at her school,
     Olivia asked every 4th person in her class and the class next door. 
     This sample does not fairly represent the whole group because ...