Shooting hoops

This task is about interpreting data to make statements about the results.

Sixty students in two classes had ten shots each at a basketball hoop. Each shot was taken from the same position. 

The table shows their results.

table showing the number of successful hoops

Draw a composite dot plot using the data in the table. The labels of the dot plot have been given.
Number of Successful Shots at a Basketball Hoop

set up for graph of hoop shooting
What is the mode number of successful shots for Room 23? ____________
c) What is the range of the number of successful shots for the:
i) Room 23? ____________
ii) Room 27? ____________
d) Complete the following sentences.
i) Half of Room 23 got ___________  successful shots or fewer.
ii) Half of Room 27 got ____________  successful shots or fewer.
From the dot plot make a statement comparing the shape of the graph for Room 23 with the shape of the graph for Room 27.