Pāua diving

This task is about constructing and interpreting a graph.
Te Hare loves pāua fritters, and dived for two weeks in her summer holidays to get some pāua. She kept a daily diary, as follows:

First week:
Dec 4, collected 6; Dec 5 – 6, didn't go out — water too murky;
Dec 7, got only 3; Dec 8, got 7; Dec 9, got 4; Dec 10, got 5.

Second week:
Dec 11 – 12, really great! — got 10 each day; Dec 13 – 15, wind blowing hard, didn't go out; Dec 16, collected 3; Dec 17, only got 1.

Te Hare started to draw a bar graph of the number of pāua she collected, but she didn't finish it.

a) Complete the graph, and answer the questions below.


bar graph of paua collected


On how many days altogether over the two weeks did Te Hare dive for pāua?
__________ days
On how many days did she collect more than 3 pāua? __________ days
i)  Which was her best week? __________
ii)  How many more pāua did she collect in that week than in the other week? _________ more
What was the average number of pāua she got per day over the 14 days? (Give to 1 decimal place) 
__________ pāua