How many groups? II

This task is about finding the size and number of groups from a given total.
There are 36 pieces of chocolate to be shared equally. If each person gets 4 pieces of chocolate, show how to work out how many people the chocolate has been shared amongst.


How many people? _____


There are 48 teddy bears altogether, and there are 8 teddy bears in each box. Show how to work out how many boxes of teddy bears there are. 


How many boxes? _____


There are 56 Christmas trees. If 8 trees are sold to each shop, show how to work out how many shops get trees.


How many shops get trees? _____


72 students are going to be taken to the zoo in vans. If there are 6 students in each van, show how to work out how many vans will be needed.


How many vans needed? _____