Estimating with addition III

This task is about estimating in addition problems.
Estimation is an approximate answer you can easily work out in your head, NOT the calculation of an exact amount. 
The following questions are about estimating, NOT calculating.
Here is an equation: 57 + 24
i) The sum of the equation is about: (Circle one)
(A) 30   
(B) 60   
(C) 80   
(D) 100   
(E) None of these. It is about _______

ii) In the box below, show how you estimated this:

b) Here is another equation: 259 + 348
i) The sum is about _______  (Do NOT give an exact answer)

ii) In the box below, show how you estimated this:

c) Here is a third equation: 124 + 438 + 267
i) The sum is about _______  (Do NOT give an exact answer)

ii) In the box below, show how you estimated this: