Fractions of money

Practical Task

Sam has $1.20 in his wallet. He wants to divide it into quarters. 
Draw the coins that show \(1 \over 4\) of $1.20.

\(1 \over 4\) of $1.20 = _____  

Merita has $4.60 in her purse. She wants to divide it in half. 
Draw the coins that show \(1 \over 2\) of $4.60.

\(1 \over 2\) of $4.60 = _____  

Maria finds $1.00 on the footpath. She wants to divide it into tenths. 
Draw the coins that show \(1 \over 10\) of $1.00.

\(1 \over 10\) of $1.00 = _____  

Juan's mother gives him $12.50. He wants to divide it into fifths. 
Draw the coins that show \(1 \over 5\) of $12.50.

\(1 \over 5\) of $12.50 = _____  

Heta has been given $8.10. He wants to divide it into thirds. 
Draw the coins that show \(1 \over 3\) of $8.10.

\(1 \over 3\) of $8.10 = _____