Estimating team scores

This task is about using different estimation strategies.

Question 1Change answer

Liam wanted to get a quick first estimate of some team scores. His first estimate was too low so he then adjusted it to make a better estimate.
For each of these scores:
  • Make a first estimate of what the total score is at least.
  • Improve your estimate (it still does not need to be exact).

Question 1Change answer

a)  Team Beta's scores were as follows: 246,  327 and 283.
     Beta's total score is at least       This is because ...
     A closer estimate of Beta's score is       This is because ...

Question 1Change answer

b)  Team Omega's scores were as follows: 2317, 6574, 5769 and 1368.
     Omega's total score is at least       This is because ...
     A closer estimate of Omega's score is       This is because ...