Fabric measures

This task is about working out costs of materials involving decimals.

Do NOT use a calculator for this question. You must show your working in the boxes below.

Heta, Jason, and Aroha are buying fabric to decorate their flat.
Heta is buying some fabric for a tablecloth.
If the fabric costs $3.20 per metre, show how to work out how much 2.1 metres of fabric will cost him.

Show how you worked this out.



Total cost = $__________

Aroha is buying 3.4 metres of curtain cloth at a cost of $5.70 per metre.
Show how to work out how much this will cost her.

Show how you worked this out.



Total cost = $__________

Jason is buying some cloth for a wall hanging. It costs $6.45 to buy 1.5 metres of green cloth. 
Show how much it costs for 1 metre of this cloth.

Show how you worked this out.



Total cost = $__________