Red and black

This task is about calculations with negative numbers.


Denis has a pack of cards in which each card is either black or red. Each card has a number on it.
The red cards show positive numbers and the black cards show negative numbers.
For example, a red 4 represents 4, but a black 6 represents ⁻6.
a)   Denis draws out two cards and multiplies the numbers together.
     Find the answers he gets for each of these combinations of cards.
  1st card    ×   2nd card 
=   Answer
Red 3
Black 4
Black 8
Red 6
×   Red 9
×   Red 6
×   Black 5
×   Black 5
=   __________
=   __________
=   __________
=   __________
b)   Next Denis draws out three cards. He multiplies the first two and then adds the third.
      Find the answers he gets for each of these combinations of cards.
1st card

×   2nd card   

+   3rd card 

=   Answer
Red 5
Black 6 
Black 8
Black 3
×   Red 3
×   Red 4
×   Red 4
×   Black 2   
+   Black 4
+   Red 10
+   Black 5
+   Black 7
=   __________
=   __________
=   __________
=   __________