Percentage complete

This task is about finding percentages and percentages of amounts.

Jenny is printing out pages off her computer. As each page is printed, a box flashes on the computer screen showing what percentage of the document has been completed. For example, when 5 pages of a 10 page document have been printed, the computer will flash:


a) i) If 4 out of 5 pages of another document have been printed, write the percentage completed that would be shown in the box.


  ii) If 13 out of 20 pages of another document have been printed, write the percentage completed that would be shown in the box.


b) i) If a document is 8 pages long, and the box flashes 
how many pages have been printed? __________
  ii) If a document is 30 pages long, and the box flashes 
how many pages have been printed? __________
  iii) If a document is 40 pages long, and the box flashes 
how many pages have been printed? __________