Computer games

This task is about working out costs with multiplication and percentages.
The information below shows the costs of buying some computer games from the United States (U.S.) through a mail-order computer company.
Computer Game Cost
1 to 4 games $55 each
5 to 24 games  $45 each
25 to 49 games $40 each
Postage and Handling Cost (P&H)
P&H cost of first game: $5 for deliveries within the U.S.
  $7 for deliveries outside the U.S (overseas).
P&H cost of additional games: $1 each
Tax Cost: Californian residents ONLY, please add 7% tax on the total cost (including P&H cost).
Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars (US$)

Question 2Change answer

a)  How much would it cost to buy one computer game, including P&H,
     if someone lived in the United States somewhere other than California?  US$ 

Question 2Change answer

b)  How much would it cost a person living in New Zealand to buy,
     including P&H, 26 computer games?  US$ 

Question 2Change answer

c)  How much would it cost a person living in California to buy, including P&H, 
     i)  one computer game? US$ 
     ii) 7 computer games? US$