Bank account

This task is about adding and subtracting amounts of money.
girl standing outside a bank
Work out the amount in Hayley's bank account after each transaction.

Question 2Change answer

Hayley had $454.25 in her savings account at the beginning of March.
a)  Hayley received $25 on March 10 for her birthday, which she banked.
     The new total in her account was $ 

Question 4Change answer

b)  Later in March she banked $12 pocket money and the bank paid 75c in interest.

     The savings account now showed the new total of $ 

Question 6Change answer

c)  Hayley then withdrew $10.50 from her account to buy her brother a birthday present.

     The new balance was $ 

Question 8Change answer

d)  On March 31 interest of $24.45 from her savings was added to Hayley's account. 

     The new balance in the account was then $ 

Question 10Change answer

e)  By how much did Hayley's account increase during March? $