Ratio of this to that

This task is about calculating ratios.
Two attendants at a Dogs' Home had 30 dogs to care for. The two attendants cared for the dogs in the ratio 8 : 7.
How many dogs did each attendant care for?
Attendant 1 __________ : Attendant 2 __________
When William's brother helped him deliver newsletters, William said he would divide his wage of $30 with him in the ratio 5 : 1.
How much did each boy get?
William $ __________ : Brother $ __________
Huia and Nan had 300 potatoes to peel for the hākari. Huia peeled 3 potatoes for every 7 Nan peeled.
How many potatoes did each of them peel?
Huia __________ : Nan __________   
Meri and her son planted 600 onions in the market garden. She planted 3 onions to each onion her son planted.
How many did they each plant?
Meri __________ : Son __________
Jane and Sue shared 120 jelly beans in the ratio 2 : 3.
How many did each girl get?
Jane __________ : Sue __________