Odd Jobs

This task is about showing how to increase and decrease amounts by given percentages.


Karaka receives $12 pocket money each week. He can choose extra jobs to increase how much he gets each week.

  • He gets an extra 25% of his weekly pocket money if he washes the car.
  • He gets an extra 40% of his weekly pocket money if he mows the lawn.
a) Show how to work out how much he would earn in one week, if he only washes the car.
Show how you worked this out.

Answer: $__________

Show how to work out how much he would earn in one week, if he only mows the lawn.
Show how you worked this out.

Answer: $__________

Karaka had $150 of his pocket money in the bank. He took out 10% of this amount. Show how to work out how much he had left in the bank.
Show how you worked this out.

Answer: $__________