Close to a half

This task is about identifying how close some fractions are to a half.


a)  Select all the fractions below that are larger than \(1 \over 2\).
    • \(4 \over 9\)

    • \(6 \over 10\)

    • \(2 \over 5\)

    • \(4 \over 6\)

    • \(3 \over 8\)

Question 1Change answer

b) Explain how you can tell when a fraction is larger than \(1 \over 2\).

Question 1Change answer

c)  How far away from \(1 \over 2\) is each of these fractions? 
     Write your answer as a fraction.
     i)  \(3 \over 8\) 
     ii) \(4 \over 6\)