Animal percentages

This task is about working with percentages.
a) Mrs Reihana has 12 Labradors. This is 25% of all of her show dogs. 
How many show dogs does she have altogether? 

Show your working.



Answer: __________

10% of all Mr Aziz's birds are parrots. 
If he has 30 parrots, how many birds does he have altogether?  

Show your working.



Answer: __________

Mr Savaii has 250 fish in his fish tank.
 If 50 are goldfish, what percentage of his fish are goldfish?  

Show your working.



Answer: __________ %

In Mrs Thompson's cattery 40% of her cats are ginger. 
If she has 80 cats altogether, what number of her cats are ginger?  

Show your working.


Answer: __________