Odd and even numbers

This task is about finding odd and even numbers.
For each set of numbers highlight the odd and even numbers with green or yellow.

Question Change answer

   Highlight the odd numbers in green.
   Highlight the even numbers in yellow. 
  • Odd numbers
  • Even numbers


a)  Some children at school wrote their ages on the board. Here is the list.

Name Age Name Age
Zac 13 Harry 12
Grace 6 Cam 8
Juliet 10 Kyle 9
Amy 7 Fran 5
Sam  11    

Question Change answer

     Highlight the odd numbers in green.
     Highlight the even numbers in yellow. 
  • Odd numbers
  • Even numbers
b) Some children in Room 1 collected leaves. They wrote down a list of the number of leaves each child had.
23       138       75      67       104       80       92       205       50      46       221