Ordering numbers

This task is about ordering numbers.

Question 1Change answer

a)  Five children counted the number of marbles they each had.
     This is what they found.
Hone 23
Marty 32
Poppy 29
Meg 31
Sam 22
i)   Who has the most marbles? HoneMartyPoppyMeg

ii)  Who has the least marbles? HoneMartyPoppyMegSam

iii) Poppy has more marbles than HoneMartyPoppyMegSamand HoneMartyPoppyMegSam

Question Change answer

b)  Six children measured their heights and this is what they found.  
Abbie 122 cm
Callum 119 cm
Eve 126 cm
Bluey 109 cm
Don 131 cm
Pam 120 cm
chart for measuring height

Put the children in order from shortest to tallest.
  • Abbie
  • Bluey
  • Callum
  • Don
  • Eve
  • Pam