Time calculations

This task is about working out the difference between two times.

Question 1Change answer

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a)  At 16:00 in 24-hour clock time, the school bus dropped Luka at his gate.
     How many minutes after 15:00 is this?

Question 1Change answer

b)  A car ride lasted from 14:40 to 15:46.
     How many minutes is this?

Question 1Change answer

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c)  Bruce and Allan agree to meet at 17:35. 
     If the time is 16:15, how long is it before they meet?

Question 1Change answer

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d)  Mrs Jones cooked for 4 hours 30 minutes. 
     If she started at 9:45, what time did she finish? 

     Write your answer in 24-hour clock time.  :