Non-linear scales

This task is about finding values on non-linear scales.
On some scales the markings are not placed at equal intervals.
Often, the gap between them gets smaller and smaller. The two scales below are both like this.
kilohertz-scale-tp.png and  non-linear-scale-tp.png

Question 1Change answer

a)  AM radio stations have frequencies measured in kilohertz and these are often shown on a scale like the one below.
i)  What is the frequency of radio station
     SportsAM?  kilohertz
     RadioRock?  kilohertz

Question Change answer

ii)  Draw an arrow labelled Kidz at 1350 kilohertz on the scale below.

Question 1Change answer

b) Exposure to radiation is measured in milliRoentgens per hour (mR/h)
i)  What radiation exposure level is indicated by
     arrow A?  mR/h
     arrow B?  mR/h

Question Change answer

ii) Draw an arrow labelled C at 35 mR/h on the scale below.