Cuboid fish tanks

This task is about working out the volume of different cuboids given the height, length and width.
Find the volumes of the fish tanks marked A, B, and C.
Tank A: ____________ cm3        Tank B: ____________ cm3       Tank C: ____________ cm3
How many millilitres of water would each of the three tanks hold?
Tank A: ___________ ml         Tank B: ___________ ml         Tank C: ___________ ml
c) i)
Which two tanks could be filled to the top from a bucket holding 29 litres of water without overflowing?
Tanks __________ and __________ 
Providing there were no spills, how much water would be left in the bucket after the two tanks had been filled?
d) i) If the volume of water from each tank was tipped into a bigger bucket that weighed 1 kg when empty, what would this bucket weigh with all the water in it?
    (A) Less than 50 kg
    (B) Between 51 kg and 60 kg
    (C) Between 61 kg and 70 kg
    (D) More than 70 kg
Explain how you worked out your answer. Show your working.