Bus prices

This task is about reading information from a timetable.
Use the prices in the timetable to answer the questions.
bus timetable

Question 2Change answer

a)  The Hardings live 3 bus sections away from town. Mrs Harding and one child take the bus to town. They buy Single trip tickets. 
     i)  Altogether, how much does it cost them to get to town? $ 
All three of the Harding children take the bus to town and home again. They buy Single trip tickets each way.
     ii)  Altogether, how much does it cost them? $ 

Question 2Change answer

b)  Mr Mar lives 4 bus sections away from town. He takes the bus to town and home again five days in a row. He buys a Ten trip ticket. 

i)  How much does the Ten trip ticket cost? $

ii)  How much does he save over the five days by buying a Ten trip ticket instead of Single trip tickets? $ 

Question 2Change answer

c)  Mr Stafford and two of his children take the bus to town and home again. They live 2 bus sections away from town.
Altogether, how much do they save if they buy a Daytripper ticket instead of buying Single trip tickets each way? $