Turning dominoes

This task is about rotating shapes.
Pania was playing with dominos by turning them.
The arrow shows the way she turned each domino.


a)  Which way has she turned this domino?
    • A quarter turn clockwise

    • A half turn clockwise

    • A quarter turn anticlockwise

    • A half turn anticlockwise


rotated dominoes
b)  Which way has she turned this domino?
    • A quarter turn clockwise

    • A half turn clockwise

    • A quarter turn anticlockwise

    • A half turn anticlockwise


rotated dominoes
c)  Which way has she turned this domino?
    • A quarter turn clockwise

    • A half turn clockwise

    • A quarter turn anticlockwise

    • A half turn anticlockwise


rotated dominoes
d)  Which way has she turned this domino?
    • A quarter turn clockwise

    • A half turn clockwise

    • A quarter turn anticlockwise

    • A half turn anticlockwise


rotated dominoes
e)  Which way has she turned this domino?
    • A quarter turn clockwise

    • A half turn clockwise

    • A quarter turn anticlockwise

    • A half turn anticlockwise