Which way?

This task is about clockwise and anticlockwise directions.
Look at the clock shapes and answer the questions.

Question 1Change answer

a)  i)  The arrow is pointing at the lolly.
          If you turn the arrow 3 spaces clockwise,
          what picture will it be pointing at?
          (Select one)
          appleegglemonadebananacarrotlollyice cream

Question 1Change answer

     ii) The arrow is pointing at the number 5.
          If you turn the arrow 2 spaces anticlockwise,
          what number will it be pointing at?
          (Select one) 

Question 1Change answer

     iii) The arrow is pointing at the letter C.
           If you turn the arrow 4 spaces clockwise,
          what letter will it be pointing at?
          (Select one)  

Question 1Change answer

b)  The arrow is pointing at the shaded-hexagon-90.png 
     and you want it to point to the shaded-square-90.png
     How many spaces and which way you would
     turn the arrow to do this?
     How may spaces?       
     Which way? (Select one) clockwiseanticlockwise