Railway Crossings

This task is about reading to find information and make inferences.
Read the poster about riding a bike across a railway level crossing and answer the questions.
Click on 'Next' at the bottom of the page to start.

Question 1Change answer

a)  What is one thing that could happen to cycle wheels when riding over train lines?

Question 2Change answer

b)  Name the four things that show you must stop at a railway level crossing.
     1.      2. 
     3.      4. 

Question 3Change answer

c)  What could happen if you try to cross the tracks as soon as a train has passed?

Question 4Change answer

d)  What is meant by "No prize for answering that one right!"?

Question 5Change answer

e)  What is meant by "The last thing you want to do is get into an argument with a train."?

Question 6Change answer

f)  What is the purpose of this advertisement?