Painting car parks

This task is about working out unknown angles.
pot of paint
Jasmine was painting car park lines on the ground at her school. Each line was painted parallel to the others and against a wall.

Question 1Change answer

a)  Firstly she painted the lines in the main carpark.
     Use your knowledge of angles to work out the marked angles in the carparks below.
     Give a reason for each of your answers.
painting-car-parks-diagram-2.png[Not drawn to scale]
     i)  a = °
     ii) b = °


b)  Jasmine made a mistake and painted the lines in the maths department carpark
     so that one line was not parallel to the other lines.
     Use your knowledge of angles to select the line which is not parallel.
diagram of car parks[Not drawn to scale]
    • Line A

    • Line B

    • Line C

    • Line D