Number sentences and story problems

This task is about writing number sentences and creating story problems.
illustration: selection of number sentences
A number sentence uses numbers and symbols instead of words.
For example the story problem:
Three friends have 59 marbles. If Tamatea has 12 and Sarah has 28, how many does Bob have? 
could be written as 59 – 12 – 28 = ? (a number sentence).

Question 1Change answer

a)  Sione was working out how much money he had.
     He started with $482 in the bank, spent $152 on a tablet, $50 on t-shirts, and $25 on food.
     Write a number sentence to show how much money Sione has left.

Question 1Change answer

b) Max has been working out how many runs in total he has got for his team.
    So far he has scored 18, 24, 60, 103, and 25 runs. 
   Write a number sentence to show how many runs he has scored so far.

Question 1Change answer

c)  Awhina had 640 marbles.  She decided to give them away to her family. 
     She gave 90 to her younger sister, 80 to her brother, 30 to her mother and 50 to her father.
    Write a number sentence to show how many marbles Awhina had left.

Question 1Change answer

d)  Write a story problem for the number sentence:
     70 + 15 + 25 = ?

Question 1Change answer

 e)  Write a story problem for the number sentence:
      365 – 160 – 50 – 123 = ?