Matching equations

This task is about writing number sentences that compare two expressions by using less than, greater than, or equal to.

Practical Task

You and a buddy will be given a pack of cards with number expressions on each card. You will also have cards with >, < and = on them.

  • Shuffle the pack of cards and place it face down between you.
  • The first player takes 2 cards from the pack.
  • Place the first card on the left and the second card on the right.
  • Choose the correct card from <, > or = to place in between the two cards to make the number sentence true, e.g.,  1 + 3 =  2 + 2
  • Read the number sentence to your buddy ("one plus three is equal to "two plus two").
  • Write the number sentence in the box provided:  1 + 3  <  2 + 2
  • Take turns until you each have five number sentences written down.
  • Swap sheets and check your buddy's work before handing to your teacher.
Number sentences Buddy check Teacher check

Number expression cards





6 + 5

8 + 8

14 - 7

6 + 7

11 + 6

3 + 7

2 + 6

7 + 9

6 + 6

20 - 2

4 + 7

6 + 4

9 + 6

1 + 3

5 + 4

16 - 8

15 - 2

12 + 5

9 + 9

4 + 3



