Age and time problems

This task is about solving maths problems about age and time.  

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Tana      Simone
a) Simone is 4 years older than Tana. Simone's age plus Tana's age equals 24.
i) How old is Tana?  years old
ii) How old is Simone?  years old 

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illustration: chocolate box
b)  There 40 chocolates in a box. After dinner these were passed around and everyone had 3 chocolates each. There were 4 chocolates left over. 
How many people were there in the room?

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c)  Eli jogs 5 times around the block, taking the same time each lap. He then rests for 15 minutes. This takes a total of exactly 1 hour. 
How long did it take him to jog around the block once?  minutes 

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d)  When Ina was born her father was 32 years old.
 If her father is now 5 times her present age, how old is she?  years old