Washing machine repair

This task is about calculating and comparing the cost of repairs from two companies.

Two washing machine repair firms charge for repairs in different ways.

  • Nockem Hardware charge a standard $70 for a call out, and then $30 per hour for servicing.
  • Bustum Services charge $40 for the call out, and then $35 per hour for servicing.


Show how to work out what Nockem Hardware would charge for a 2 hour repair.


Answer: $__________



Show how to work out what Bustum Services would charge for a 2 hour repair.


 Answer: $__________



Show how to work out how many hours it would take to carry out a repair for which both companies charged exactly the same.


Answer: __________ hours



Mrs Savi knows that her machine is badly damaged and will take 3 hours to fix.
  • Recommend which firm it would be cheaper for Mrs Savi to get her machine repaired by.
  • Give reasons for your recommendation (justification).  
Write the reasons for your recommendation (justify with any working you did).