Too Much Noise!

This task is about using information and making inferences from a play script.

Illustration of children making noise with pots and pans

Read the play Too Much Noise by Feana Tu'akoi (pages 14-17, Junior Journal 21, 1999). Then answer the following questions.

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a)  What are three props (things used by actors) that you would need if you were presenting this play?

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b)  Where is this play set? 

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c)  If you were making a backdrop for this play,
     what are two things you could paint on it as part of the background scenery?

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d)  What could the actor who plays Dad wear, to make him look like an older man?

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e)  What could the actor who plays Lara do when she says, "Can't catch me!" at the start of the play?

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f)  What could the actor who plays Timmy do when he says, "Got you!" at the start of the play?


g)  What sort of voice could the actor who plays Dad use when he says, "Stop that noise!"?

    • Annoyed

    • Bored

    • Cheerful

    • Worried

    • Upset

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h)  What action or movement could the actor who plays Dad do to show how he is feeling when he says, "I'm getting a headache"?