School work

This task is about interpreting a graph.
Fran drew a graph to show how easy she found her school work.
Look at the graph and answer the following questions. 

Question 2Change answer

a)  Finish the sentence.
     Fran found spelling Very easyIn between very easy and just rightJust rightIn between just right and very hardVery hard  (Select one)

Question 2Change answer

b)  Which subject did Fran find the hardest?  MathsSpellingReadingWritingArtScienceSport  (Select one)

Question 2Change answer

c)  Which subject or subjects did Fran find just right?  MathsSpellingReadingWritingArtScienceSport  MathsSpellingReadingWritingArtScienceSport  (Select one from each list)

Question 2Change answer

d)  i)   Which of these subjects did Fran find easiest?   ScienceSportWriting (Select one)

     ii)  Which of these subjects did Fran find hardest?  ArtMathsScience (Select one)