
This task is about reading information from a table and constructing a graph.
Illustration: Cara running in the runathon
Cara is running in a run-a-thon to raise money for the school. She will get $2 for the first kilometre she runs, and then $1 for each extra kilometre she runs.

Here is a table of how much money Cara would raise over the first 6 kilometres.


Kilometres Cara runs (km) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Money Cara raises ($) 2 3 4 5 6 7


a) i)
How much money will Cara raise if she runs 8 kilometres? $__________
How much money will Cara raise if she runs 20 kilometres? $__________
From the table above, plot the six points showing the money Cara could raise in the run-a-thon.
Money Cara raises ($)             
                    Cara's run-a-thon
    Empty graph of the money and distance Cara runs for the runathon
                    Kilometres Cara runs (km)